Welcome Message
A very warm and heartfelt welcome to all and sundry. We are a great platform for growth and development skill wise and a community of the most wonderful teachers and students. We create an avenue where students, researchers and scholars can freely share, harness, visualize and transform refined knowledge and ideas into a sustainable business that could be further nurtured and developed into wealth and reliable property. Northbridge is also supportive of creative people who believe in building things from the scratch. If you want to play a crucial role in shaping our world by focusing on the contemporary digitalized resources and the science of sustainable research implementation, then NORTHBRIGDE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY is the right place to be.

About the College
Northbridge College of Science and Technology began as an Entrepreneurial Innovative monotechnic that was established in 2018 to bridge the inadequacy gap that exists resulting from lack of its kind in the northern region of Nigeria. Through expansions and affiliations, it later grew into a college with potentials for various certificate, diploma, degree and postgraduate programmes. It is aimed at producing sound national Innovative diploma holders in various fields of learning to bridge the said gap and also encourage the commercialization of research and development so as to increase the much-sought number of employees to employers.
Northbridge College runs academic and professional programmes under five faculties; School of Innovative Studies, School of Continuing Education and Distance Learning, School of Mass Education, School of Basic and Preliminary Studies and School of Professional Studies. Some courses offered include Software Engineering, Hardware Engineering, Business and informatics, Networking and System Security and Agriculture. You can visit our website for more details on all our programmes. The college is currently affiliated to Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State for Diploma programmes.
Public Annoucement
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Our Vission
To become a leading tertiary institution in Northern Nigeria that will champion the cause of efficient innovation, breakthrough research and improved service delivery through education in order to complement and consolidate the ongoing efforts towards the development of Nigeria and Africa at large.